I never envisioned myself working in the tech industry. At a young age, I toyed with the idea of working as an educator, a writer, or a journalist. My career path changed when I realized finishing my 4-year degree wasn't a financial possibility. After a few Google searches, I found that tech could help me achieve financial equity. I credit my current success to Hack.Diversity, Resilient Coders, Code2040, Skillist, Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, and Bunker Hill Community College.
I've interned at HubSpot, Formlabs, and I was even featured on NPR. I've worked as a Software Engineer at start-ups such as Hi Marley and Botany.io. Today, I work as a Developer Advocate at GitHub. I'm also the Director of Programming at G{Code}, an organization aimed at teaching women and non-binary people of color to code.
Though, I'm still learning (and I'll continue to learn for the rest of my life), I've made this blog inspire other minorities to join the industry and provide my perspective of what it's like to be a black girl in tech.
When I'm not coding, I'm tweeting, binge-watching Netflix, or buying too many natural hair supplies..